Barnsley Party Booking Form

Birthday Party Form Barnsley

  • Parent's Details

  • Party Location

  • If not, please provide alternate address in box below
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • We aim to arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the start time of the party to allow us enough time to get set up, but will contact you to discuss this.
  • Child's Details

  • Please note we will arrive at the party equipped for a maximum of 20 children (unless agreed otherwise in writing)
  • e.g 10x 1 year olds, 5x 2 year olds 3x 5 year old and 2x7 year olds
  • Please note that at least two adults must be on hand at all times (not including the Music Bugs representative).
  • Equipment and Props

  • Please note, if you'd like us to incorporate pass the parcel then you will need to organise and provide the parcel yourself.
  • Access to venue, parking availability, guests with additional needs that we need to be aware of)
  • Terms & Conditions

    You will need to agree to each of the statements below in order to complete your registration

  • Thank you for completing this form. Please now make sure you press the green 'submit' button below.

    We cant wait to meet you all and are really looking forward to the party! Please don't hesitate to get in touch if there is anything else you need to discuss with us.